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Friday, 21 September 2018


When I got to the bus station it was a desolate acre of tarmac studded with weeds, this is despite me being informed by a highly intelligent, English speaking young doctor that this was the place to catch a bus to Tbilisi. I asked directions from the taxi drivers and the Lord sent Shaheen Seem who is happy to take me to the border with Georgia for 80 manat (£36).

He's actually the safest driver in Azerbaijan, he sticks religiously to the speed limit, I wonder if he's got points in his licence. Main danger is from other road users, in Mercedes Benz, who a frustrated by his slowness.

A strange thing is that all the older people in Georgia and Azerbaijan seem to be unable to read a map, I seem to dimly remember reading something about maps being forbidden in Soviet countries to prevent the population getting ideas about leaving.

The vehicle is a 30 year old Lada and very good it is too. Perhaps lacking some of the luxuries that we have come accustomed to like air-con and power steering or automatic choke but it feels like it will go on forever. I suspect that they are very easy to work on and maintain and that's why there are thousands of them around.